Our time to Vote is here!
It is ours to declare… to express our beliefs. Speak our truth.
Our turn to choose the leaders we want, the ones we believe hold our care in their sights.
The ones we believe will by their actions demonstrate the necessary determination, commitment, steadfastness, perseverence and vision
to bring us together. To lead with wisdom.
Hear our truths and heal our rifts. Find solutions.
Inspire and lead us to better tomorrows…
For all the children, parents
and grandparents….
and dear friends and colleagues of all backgrounds from all communities.
Let’s do this.
In this immature yet carefully conceived democracy, we trust that by our actions, our chosen leaders will ..
in their turn,
admit, address and work tirelessly
to resolve the challenges we must face as a society working in a dedicated fashion…cohesively and constructively together.
Our voices will be heard.
Kind wishes,