I hope this finds you and members of your family safe and well, or at least as well as is possible given the circumstances in which we find ourselves.
This forced social distancing and reduction of activity has enabled me to make wiser choices for myself, my wellbeing and my family. Many people have realized that we are able to take time for that which is truly important and I am feeling grateful for wonderful connections and a newfound softness within how we interact with each other.
I find myself being drawn back into an artistic life and beginning to make progress on some of the life projects I envisioned many moons ago.
Friends are more important than ever and I wanted to reach out to each of you and wish you well.
I wish us each the equanimity to face what we are each undergoing.
I wish us each courage and resilience for managing what we may come yet to face.
Above is a taste of the beauty I see on my daily walks looking for all that is now beginning to bloom.
A sense of the rebirth that comes from within the stillness of the not knowing. It is time to rest within the stillness around us.
Warm wishes,