The tragedy of Newtown has affected so many of us so deeply.
I found myself picking up beautiful fallen leaves and playing with them sorting them into different patterns until I realized that it was my way of connecting to this horror. It is unfathomable and yet it makes me think about how many of these unfathomable tragedies are happening in so many parts of our world on an almost daily basis.
I found myself reading the Jewish Journal’s account of the first funeral this morning and was touched by the words of the brother of Noah Pozner, the youngest victim, age 6, who said simply
“Let us not be lost in sorrow” ”Let us remember the beauty, laughter, smiles and happiness little Noah brought us. Let us live our lives as healthily, righteously and happily as we can. Let’s do it for our little man, who would have wanted that”.
My best to everyone for a very happy and healthy New Year and warm holiday times with those near and dear.