This body of work emerges from how I feel when I look and walk within my surroundings, seeking to capture the essence of the light, energy and patterns within nature. I notice the patterns in nature and the mathematical side of my brain is drawn to them. As I focus on a subject, I begin to notice the light and patterns forming on and within the object. I love how when I turn the camera, or my position, di!erent patterns emerge. As I begin to concentrate on the image in my lens, I feel a calm, air-filled feeling; which I sense is my spirit, guiding me from within. I feel a resonance with the subjects I am shooting and feel drawn to capture my vision of them. Every shot is a fresh discovery.
Abstraction for me represents the essence of the subject I am viewing. The patterns in the light help outline for me the interconnections between life and nature and us as humans as a part of nature. These photographs have not been enhanced by digital techniques; they represent the pure capture of light as I see it through the lens. What is remarkable for me, is how water and light interact with the objects we commonly engage with every day and how each image starts to feel as if it were a paintings or concept when you look very close at what is in the fine print within the photograph once taken.
I have been inspired by visiting Giverny, Monet’s home, and by walking through the Huntington Gardens, Descanso Gardens and many of the most beautiful places on our planet. I have been very fortunate to visit the Galapagos islands where there is a pure light in the morning embracing those islands. May we work to protect them.
My wish is that this body of work elicits an experience of calm and warmth within you and connects to the part of you that cares about our world and honors our souls.